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Internal error: failed to activate dso with persisted changelog:  [410 02]

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  • Internal error: failed to activate dso with persisted changelog:  [410 02]


    al querer activar mis ADSO me aparecen los siguientes mensajes:

    Se ha producido un error grave: transaction rolled back by an internal error: generic. setColumns() is not allowed at ptime/quer

    Transaction rolled back by an internal error: failed to activate dso with persisted changelog: [410 02] transaction rolled back

    y/plan_executor/dml/proc/; $DSO TaskMethod$=ActivationQueuePackage; $DSOTaskDetail s$=CQ0::SAPABAP1:/BIC/AZRS

    Alguna idea de qué puede estar pasando? me funcionaba perfectamente hasta hace una semana.

  • #2

    la solución a este problema puede ir por 2 lados diferentes:

    1- Revisar la nota: 2362807 - SAP HANA authorizations for BW metadata search/no results in search/input help for BW modeling tools en ella se indica lo siguiente:

    Technical activities 1. Make sure that the following authorizations are assigned to your technical BW user (SAP user or technical ABAP user; see the function module DB_DBUSER) in your SAP HANA database (see also SAP HANA Modeling Guide, "Required Permissions"):
    • Object permissions • SELECT for schema _SYS_BI • SELECT for schema _SYS_BIC
    • EXECUTE for procedure REPOSITORY_REST (SYS)
    • Analytic permissions
    • _SYS_BI_CP_ALL
    • Package privileges • REPO.MAINTAIN_NATIVE_PACKAGES for the root package REPO.READ for the package in which the required SAP HANA views are generated (see transaction RSOSM) or each package above them
    • REPO.EDIT_NATIVE_OBJECTS for the package in which the required SAP HANA views are generated (see transaction RSOSM) or each package above them
    • REPO.ACTIVATE_NATIVE_OBJECTS for the package in which the required SAP HANA views are generated (see transaction RSOSM) or each package above them • For use in an SAP BW/4HANA system, the user also needs the following authorizations:
    • Object permissions
    • SELECT for schema _SYS_REPO

    2- Realizar estos pasos:

    a. Execute the following to set multistore_feature_toggle to true
    alter system alter configuration ('indexserver.ini', 'system') set ('sql', 'multistore_feature_toggle') = '(multistore_operator, column, update, true)' with reconfigure;

    b. Clear the SQL plan cache with the following
    Alter system clear sql plan cache;​


    • #3
      Demoré en responder, pero muchas gracias Koken!

